Our services and support packages are informed by childhood trauma, insecure attachment theory and neuroscience and make a significant difference for both children and staff.
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Services in Foster Care
We specialise in creative therapies that allow children and young people to explore their experiences in a safe way.
The Teaching Positive Connections approach acknowledges that there is always a feeling behind every difficult behaviour a child displays, and that our role as adults is to help guide and teach children to understand this, rather than telling them off and punishing them for struggling.
Designed for fostering services who want that extra layer of therapeutic support. We know how devastating it is when carers give notice on a child, both for the agency and the child themselves, but we also recognise that sometimes this could have been avoided if the right support was in place.
Our CPD and twilight sessions are designed to close the gap between theory and practice and inspire changes in thought and approaches. Sessions are 1 hour-1.30 sessions that can be delivered online or face to face and are designed to upskill and inspire your team!